Order fulfillment

  • Sales are processed and packaged for shipping during our regular business hours Monday - Friday, within 24 hours of placing your order. Once your order has been dispatched you will receive shipping confirmation and tracking info via email.
  • We are not liable for delays in shipping or damage that occurs in transit from a third party provider.
  • All sales that include a 'preorder' item will be processed, packaged and shipped when the preorder item arrives to us. To avoid delays on the rest of your order, we suggest making separate orders with the 'preorder' item shipped by itself.


  • We are happy to accept 28 day returns on items in original condition.
  • We do not accept returns on worn/washed items, opened CDs or vinyl.
  • We do not accept returns on sale items.
  • We are happy to offer store credit on all eligible returns.

To initiate a return please reach out to us using the contact form stating your name, contact info, order number and items to return.